When preparing for exams, it is better to avoid kitchens and living rooms: you will be surround by many temptations to distract yourself. If there is no other option than to use the occupi room, make sure that those around you know when you plan to study and will not interfere with you. You can go to the library or cafe: a change of scenery sometimes has a beneficial effect on productivity. 3. Don't be nervous The whole point of preparation is to make life easier for yourself during the session. Make sure you spend enough time enjoying the holidays. If your family is having a great time in the living room while you study.
Give yourself a break. Take a break from work for a while and change your Russia WhatsApp Number List curriculum to catch up later. to finish everything on time and for this do not go to b only in the morning. 4. Exercise While all you want to do during the holidays is lie on the couch, eat and watch movies, a little exercise can really help take your mind off the routine of studying. If you do not want to leave the house, you can try yoga or mitation. To boost endorphins and improve blood flow, try running in place for a few minutes. Or take a walk around the winter city during a break between studies. Short-term physical activity relieves pre-exam stress.
Keep it simple Don't feel guilty about having a good time and don't try to force yourself to study 10 hours a day. Christmas holidays are a great opportunity to recharge your batteries. You really ne that free time to be with your family, meet up with friends, and just indulge in the daily pleasures. Natalya Sokova , head of innovative projects in ucation, Business Academy B1, agrees with the change in the structure of demand : “The portrait of an MBA program participant is changing. Now this is most likely an employee who has gone through not a horizontal.